Teen Therapy

Teen Therapy 13+

Years of direct experience and evidence-based training in Teen Therapy has proven effective in my work with teenagers through truly understanding the depth of their struggles and providing strategic help tailored to their individual needs, family systems, and goals.

The teens and families I have worked with often sought my services due to experiencing issues related to self-esteem, identity-forming, building independence, family dynamics/relationships, impact of divorce, peer issues, social interactions, struggling to cope with intense emotions, harming behaviors, school difficulties, and often feeling lost without direction when facing major life transitions or events.

My role is to supportively guide and encourage your teenager while they improve their self-awareness, emotional regulation, self-agency, and accountability necessary to become a thriving adult.

What to Expect

With teen therapy via Zoom telehealth, I will first meet with both the parent and teen present for our initial 50-minute session. Typically, sessions occur once a week to build momentum, commitment, and progress toward goals. There may be Family Therapy sessions in which the parent(s)/caregiver(s) is invited to join the telehealth session as part of the therapy treatment plan. 

Each session you can expect a focus on identifying your most challenging obstacles and making intentional efforts toward reaching your goals in a safe and encouraging environment.

My approach accomplishes this through . . .

  • Developing a warm, empathic relationship with you and your teen

  • Focusing on your present concerns

  • Provide strategies to reduce anxiety, stress, depression, hopelessness, or self-doubt

  • Assist teens to improve self-esteem and gain a sense of belonging, competence, and responsibility

  • Guide teens in learning how to manage anger or control impulsive behavior

  • Help teens learn to express themselves appropriately and to improve communication

  • Motivate teens to find safe, healthy coping skills to replace unhealthy coping skills such as self-harm behaviors, and sexual acting out

  • Work with teens to learn how to cope with traumatic events such as death of a loved one or physical/abuse

  • Support teens in learning how to manage difficult changes in the family or community

  • Bringing forward your wisdom, loving and compassion for yourself and others

  • Assisting you in articulating and integrating more effective and supportive ways of relating to yourself and others

  • Encouraging you in practicing new efforts and behaviors that reflect your values and hopes to renew a sense of hope


$185/ 50 minutes

$278/ 80 minutes