ADHD Therapy
Are You Tired Of Feeling Overwhelmed And Misunderstood Because Of ADHD?
Do you feel like your ADHD brain makes it impossible to focus or accomplish simple tasks that seem so easy for everyone else?
Are you struggling with low self-esteem because you feel like you’re always disappointing people?
Has ADHD put a strain on your relationships?
ADHD affects more than just your ability to pay attention. You've likely been told to "just try harder" as if extra effort could rewrite your neurology. No matter how hard you try to focus, stay organized, and manage your time, it may feel like it’s still never enough. You might fall for the belief that “there must be something wrong with me” and then have that belief reinforced in neurotypical environments like traditional school and work settings.
ADHD could also be interfering with your relationships—you might be consistently late or forget to respond to texts, calls, or social invitations, making other people believe you’re not invested in them. You may isolate just to avoid the shame and guilt of letting people down yet again. As a result, you probably wish there was someone in your life who understood how the ADHD brain works and sees you and your struggles without judgement.
Your Dynamic Mind Can Foster Loving And Meaningful Relationships
ADHD can significantly shape the way you relate to romantic partners, friends, family, and colleagues. You may feel constantly misunderstood as loved ones misinterpret your forgetfulness, interrupting, distractibility, and restlessness as purposefully uncaring or disinterested behavior. As a result, you might doubt your own value and wonder if you will ever find love or a partner that truly accepts you as you are.
Understanding the innerworkings of the ADHD mind is profoundly helpful in navigating these challenges in relationships. Therapy can assist you in understanding yourself and your unique mind on a deeper level so that you can then learn to advocate for yourself. With my support, I can help you discover how your brain is wired so you can learn how to play to your strengths, map around its challenges, and experience the world with less shame and more self-compassion. I offer therapy for teens, adults, couples and families impacted by ADHD.
ADHD Is Widespread, Yet It’s Still Under-Recognized
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a highly prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder. However, public misconceptions cause countless cases to go undiagnosed. Part of the problem is that ADHD was largely unknown just decades ago. So many children and adults grew up labeled as lazy, troublemakers, uncooperative, or lacking in will power, rather than receiving proper evaluation and support.
Thankfully, scientific advances now clearly establish ADHD as a valid neurodevelopmental difference. Brain imaging reveals key variations in neural wiring that lead to challenges with attention, impulse control, and emotion regulation. While ADHD is highly prevalent, the stigma around it continues to obstruct understanding. My goal is to provide psychoeducation and compassionate treatment so that you can feel recognized, emboldened, and wholly accepted.
ADHD Doesn’t Have To Be A Hindrance—It Can Also Be A Superpower
There can be so much shame, stigma, and misunderstanding around ADHD. It's common to internalize your struggles as personal shortcomings or character flaws, but they stem from a brain that simply functions differently.
ADHD primarily impacts the prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for executive functioning tasks. While ADHD brains struggle with certain executive functions, they excel in sensory processing, noticing more details and patterns that neurotypical brains typically filter out. This advanced perceptual sensitivity fuels remarkable creativity, innovation, resourcefulness, and out-of-the-box thinking.
Years of believing that you are "lazy" or "not good enough" understandably damage self-esteem. When in therapy, we'll counter the negativity and shame by building self-compassion, reframing your narrative, and focusing on strengths. By infusing our work with humor, curiosity, and an experimenting mindset, a natural motivation will build and launch you into a groove of better balance and higher daily satisfaction.
Therapy Can Help You Manage ADHD And Tap Into Your Innate Ability To Thrive
There’s a common fallacy among those with ADHD that neurotypical people do everything better or with greater ease. Therapy is a chance to challenge this fallacy and recognize that the problem is not ADHD, but that our society is designed for the benefit of neurotypical brains. My goal is to help you work through this internalized ableism and see ADHD from a more positive and empowering perspective.
My sessions provide a safe, nonjudgmental space to explore how ADHD affects various aspects of your life and potentially receive a diagnosis. Using a strengths-based approach, I’ll help you manage the challenges of ADHD more effectively while learning to use it to your advantage. The long-term goals may include improving executive functioning tasks, enhancing self-confidence, fostering better self-care, and building fulfilling relationships.
My Approach To ADHD Treatment
I draw from a wide variety of strategies to help people cultivate a healthier relationship with ADHD. Since I work with teens and adults, my approach differs depending on the age of the client and severity of symptoms.
Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) is the cornerstone of my approach to ADHD. It’s so easy to internalize the expectation of a neurotypical world, and that’s why this approach is so powerful. MSC can help you improve your self-esteem by practicing self-kindness and being mindful of your strengths and growth edges.
To help you thrive, I also provide education tailored to how your brain works. I draw from Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) to explain the neurological differences underlying ADHD. You’ll learn about how lower dopamine, impaired frontal-striatal circuits, and other wiring variations shape symptoms and strengths.
Demystifying what’s happening in your brain can be deeply empowering. You’ll gain clarity about your challenges while reframing them as neurologic differences, not personal flaws. In turn, this will equip you with science-backed strategies to nurture focus, motivation, and emotional regulation. When you know yourself on a neural level, you can unlock your true potential.
No matter how hopeless you feel, I encourage you to trust the process of therapy. You have the innate ability to thrive—my role is to help you tap into that ability. I am here to help you to unlock your true potential, increase your confidence, and experience inner transformation.
You May Have Some Concerns About ADHD Therapy…
How do I know that I have ADHD?
ADHD can look different in adolescents than it does in adults, and it often presents differently in women than it does in men. Additionally, many ADHD symptoms overlap with trauma and anxiety symptoms and behaviors. It’s hard to sort through all the confusion and get to the bottom of your struggles on your own. You deserve clarity—therefore I provide a detailed evaluation in order to provide an accurate diagnosis.
How long will therapy for ADHD take?
It depends on what your goals are. While some clients may experience positive shifts in a relatively short time, most benefit from a more extended therapeutic journey and a more reflective process of growth. Rest assured, we will regularly assess your progress and adjust our approach accordingly. Therapy is a collaborative process, and we will work together to determine the most effective treatment timeline.
If I have an ADHD diagnosis, does that mean I’ll be put on medication?
Counseling alone is often powerful enough to assist in managing a variety of ADHD-related symptoms. It can give you personalized skills and techniques for managing ADHD that medication cannot. That said, a combination of therapy and medication is typically the best way to maximize symptom reduction and improve your quality of life. If you decide you want to try ADHD medication (and it is always your choice), I would be happy to help you find a prescriber.
ADHD Does Not Define You
In fact, ADHD is not a life sentence—it doesn’t have to be with you forever, and it doesn’t have to hold you back from achieving your hopes and dreams. The path may not be linear, but it can certainly be forward. To learn more about how ADHD therapy can help you, you can email me or call 949-342-6672.