
  • Alcoholics Anonymous: (949) 582-2697

    Narcotics Anonymous: (949) 661-6183

    Al Anon & Alateen: (714) 748-1113

    Child Protective Services: (714) 940-1000

    Suicide Hotline: (800) 273-TALK (8255), (800) SUICIDE (784 2433),

    Orange County Suicide Prevention Hotline: (877) 727-4747

    Sexual Assault Crisis Centers: or call (800) 656 - HOPE (4673)

    Orange County 24-Hour Rape Crisis Hotline: (714) 957-2737 OR (949) 831-9110

    California Youth Crisis Hotline: (800) 843-5200

  • Human Options: 24hr. Hotline (949) 854-3554

    Interval House: 24hr. Hotline (714) 891-8121

    Laura’s House: 24hr. Hotline (949) 498-1511

    LGBTQI+ Services and Resources: The Center, OC:

  • ADHD and Loving It - youtube

    "Driven To Distraction", Hallowell & Ratey

    "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?", Kate Kelley & Peggy Ramundo

    "Healing ADD", Daniel Amen, MD

  • Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Glover Tawwab

  • "Tear Soup", Pat Scheibert & Chuck Deklyen

    "The Grief Recovery Handbook", John W. James & Russell Friedman

    "What's Heaven", Maria Shriver

  • "The Alchemist", Paulo Coelho

    "Gift From The Sea", Anne Morrow Lindbergh

    "The Celestine Prophecy", James Redfield

    "Seat of the Soul", Gary Zukav

    "The Greatest Miracle in the World", Og Mandino

    "The Game of Life and How To Play It", Scovel

    "The Power of Now", Eckhart Tolle

    "A New Earth", Eckhart Tolle

  • “Hold Me Tight”, by Dr. Sue Johnson

    "Why Marriages Succeed or Fail", John Gottman, PhD

    "The Lost Art of Listening", Michael Nichols, PhD

    "The Art of Intimacy", Thomas Patrick Malone, MD

    "Getting the Love You Want", Harville Hendrix (Couples)

    "Keeping the Love You Find", Harville Hendrix (Singles)

    "After the Affair", Janis Abrams Spring, PhD

  • “The Whole-Brain Child” by Dr. Daniel Siegel

    “No Drama Discipline” by Dr. Daniel Siegel

    "1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12", Thomas Phelan, PhD

    "Helping the Child Who Doesn't Fit In", Stephen Nowicki, PhD & Marshall Duke PhD

    "The Parent's Handbook: Systematic Training for Effective Parenting", Don Dinkmeyer

    "Kids Are Worth It: Giving Your Child the Gift of Inner Discipline", Barbara Coloroso

    "Stop Negotiating With Your Teen", Janet Sasson Edgette, PsyD

    Active Parenting:

    South Orange County Family Resource Center: (949) 364-0500,

    The Parent Project: (949) 361-8386,

  • Board of Behavioral Science Examiners:

    American Association of Marriage & Family Therapists:

    California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists:

    National Alliance of Mentally Ill:

  • "Moving On" Russell Friedman & John W. James

    "Helping Children Cope with Separation & Divorce", Claudia Jewett

    "What in the World Do You Do When Your Parents Divorce?", Kent Winchester & Roberta Beyer

    "Mom's House. Dad's House: Making Two Homes for Your Kids", Isolina Ricci, Phd

    "Mom's House, Dad's House For Kids", Isolina Ricci, PhD

    "The Divorce Helpbook for Teens", Cynthia MacGregor